Kudos Speakers Logo

Kudos Speakers

Here at PJ HiFi we are very pleased to welcome our newest speaker manufacturer Kudos!

Kudos Made Uk

Kudos, design and build their speakers right here in the UK and are based in based in County Durham. They are the masters of the notoriously difficult isobaric speaker design, combined with a low-order simplistic crossover inside every speaker, the results are pure and full of emotion.

Kudos Titan 606

Upon listening to the new Titan 606 and Super 20A we signed up to take on the brand right there and then. We have been most impressed with the outstanding bass derived from the Isobaric speaker design. The top end is sweet and smooth with great clarity, the Kudos flavour of sound is a must hear. But please don’t let us be the ones to tell you, give us a call and book in for a demonstration!

kudos super 20 A